As of today we plan to reopen May 18th (this is subject to change).
When we reopen we will be operating as a private studio.
- We will not be allowing any walk-in traffic.
- We will ask all scheduled appointments to please call when you arrive and remain in your vehicle.
- When your artist is ready he will call you back and let you into the studio.
- You will be required to wear a mask (please provide your own).
We will also require, upon entry…
- Immediately wash your hands and thereafter you will be directed into your artist private booth.
- We will be staggering schedules and appointment times to limit the chance of contact with others.
- We will not allow guests into the studio, so please do not bring anyone.
NOTE: Clients must wear medical/surgical face mask. No neck scarfs, neck gators, bandannas or costume masks.
As we always have, we will continue to practice standard precautions.
We have set guidelines to be followed that meet and supersede all outlined by local and state governments. All of our artists have been trained In blood borne pathogens and disease prevention. As always we use a true broad spectrum hospital grade disinfectant that is Bactericidal, Fungicidal, Virucidal, and Tuberculocidal.
We will continue to put your safety and our artist safety first.
If you have fever/flu like symptoms, cough, show any signs of illness (sorry allergy sufferers) please call and reschedule as we will not allow you into the studio. If you are considered high risk or have potentially been exposed to Covid 19 please call and reschedule. If you just don’t feel comfortable right now getting tattooed and you would like to reschedule, please call your artist and we will be happy to reschedule.
Along with our standard paperwork we will also be recording client times in and times out (in order to obtain a chain of contact if needed). At this time we will not be scheduling touch ups. We will schedule them once we return to a less restricted way of operating.
Clients whose appointments have been cancelled will be contacted by your artist to reschedule your appointments once we have an official opening date. We will do our best to reschedule you in a timely manner and you will be our priority prior to scheduling new projects.
For all new projects/tattoos please submit a consultation request
Please feel free to contact your artist directly with any questions
We appreciate your understanding and flexibility. Thank you to our front line workers and everyone doing their part.
Stay safe, stay creative and please if you can, stay home.